

All communication between you and the Alphonso Edu server is secured by using SSL AES 256-bit encryption. This is the highest level of encryption currently available commercially.

Data Security

Alphonso Edutakes all measures to secure your data on our servers. Our servers are protected by using a firewall which is a hardware and software system that blocks access by unauthorized parties.


Alphonso Edu has internal policies that keep your data private and confidential. We will not share your data with any third party. Your data is your data only.

Login ID and Password

Access to your account is controlled by a login ID and a password, which you chose. Strict login ID and password rules virtually eliminate the unauthorized user from gaining access. Your password is stored using a one-way hash key and verified using the same one-way hash every time you login, which means strong no one at Alphonso Edu knows what password you have chosen. If you ever forget your password, we force you to choose a new one using an email verification check.


Alphonso Edu protects you against accidentally leaving your personal information active on a computer browser screen. The Alphonso Edu service ends your "session" if you are logged in to Alphonso Edu but have not actively used the service for a set period of time. This prevents others from accessing your account when you leave a session and forget to log out.

Get in Touch

Contact Info

Alphonso Infotech
Behind Rathi office,
Near Ambamata Mandir,
Sukhsagarnagar, Pune-46.
Maharashtra (India).
M: +91 9049080011, 9503179646, (020)26960611